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May 23, 2007

How Could We Not Have Realized This?

Studious Swillers will recall that equine love affair in Washington (Washington State, mind you; in DC there's only swine) which we have reported on occasionally in order to fulfill our commitment to Reader Knowledge, but it has taken a far finer mind and keener insight to the workings of the world than this Humble Scribbler shall ever possess to ascertain the True Meaning of These Events. Yes, dear friends, thanks to The Anchoress for clearing the clouds from our vision, for, you see, all we needed to do was Blame Bush!

So if the message is too subtle for you - you’re supposed to sympathize with the men having what they claim is consensual sex with horses, and you should find beauty in all this…or you’re a bad person, or something. Also, you should consider that all of this happened because the engineer/victim was working for a company that might have been making weapons for George W. Bush. Got that? He probably wouldn’t have been screwing horses and advocating “mammal-to-mammal love” otherwise.

I am such a fool. The pieces were all there. Man works for defense contractor. Evil Rovelian mind waves from such association with AmeriKKKa obviously twist and pervert, wait, I can't say that, that's too judgemental...lalala...working for such a slave owning racisthomophoboids under Abu Ghraib-like conditions forced this poor man, in much the same manner as the mere existence of Gitmo forces innocent kindly shepherds to strap dynamite to their bodies and liberate their internal organs in a peaceful exchange of coexistence in crowded Israeli shops or Baghdad markets/schools...yes YES the same force that causes these things caused this poor victim to, in a perverse (oops, there's that word again) inversion of Hegelian natavistic desires to want to let the Horse play the Cowboy to and with him; in his own simple way this poor man was trying to right what is so horribly wrong with the world today. And we all know who the Cowboy is, now don't we?

Yes, it all makes sense now.

Posted by Mr. Bingley at May 23, 2007 08:12 AM


A couple of slips there, Bingley. However, you continue to show progress in your thinking. You may continue to blog.

Posted by: Uncle Joe at May 23, 2007 09:52 AM

Recognition of my errors is the first step on the long road to growth.

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at May 23, 2007 10:22 AM

Whatever he's doing...don't buy any for your own self.

This was a public service message.

Paid for by the 'Bingley in '09' Political Action Committee: George Soros, Commanding.

Posted by: tree hugging sister at May 23, 2007 10:23 AM