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March 17, 2009

Some Dems Starting To Chafe At "Crisis Legislating"?

Perhaps. I don't want to get too hopeful, but maybe a few of these goddamnedincompetentidiots very busy Legislators might actually start reading the bills before they pass them?

WASHINGTON -- Eight Senate Democrats are opposing speedy action on President Barack Obama's bill to combat global warming, complicating prospects for the legislation and creating problems for their party's leaders.

The eight Democrats disapprove of using the annual budget debate to pass Obama's "cap and trade" bill to fight greenhouse gas emissions, a measure that divides lawmakers, environmentalists and businesses. The lawmakers' opposition makes it more difficult for Democratic leaders to move the bill without a threat of a Republican filibuster.

The budget debate is the only way to circumvent Senate rules that allow a unified GOP to stop a bill through filibusters.

"Enactment of a cap-and-trade regime is likely to influence nearly every feature of the U.S. economy," wrote the Democratic senators, mostly moderates. They were joined by 25 Republicans. "Legislation so far-reaching should be fully vetted and given appropriate time for debate."

This cap-and-trade horse dung will only screw our economy more and drive more jobs overseas.

Of course, since no one here will be able to actually afford anything, anyway, it might not matter.

Posted by Mr. Bingley at March 17, 2009 07:28 AM