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March 17, 2009

However Much I Try to Stay Optimistic

...the Obama team seems hell bent to remind me that it's really amateur hour, with the most self absorbed, self indulgent, pissiest little monsters in the neighborhood on stage. The smirky beasts whose mere appearance makes your palm itch, because you just want to smack the crap out of them.

White House Ridicules Cheney After Criticism

..."Well, I guess Rush Limbaugh was busy," Gibbs said to laughter during his daily briefing with reporters. "So they trotted out the next most popular member of the Republican cabal."

The Bush White House was unfailingly...mum in deference to former Presidents/Vice-Presidents running their jibs (For example...) ~ a combination of respect for the office (which shouldn't be part of a new administration's learning curve) and natural class (which, obviously, can't be learned). The Obama Administration's response to anything seems entirely built on...

"I know you are, but what am I?"

...rather than a solid course of action coupled with a "sticks and stones may break my bones...etc." attitude.

You know. Like "adults" would.

We're doomed.

Posted by tree hugging sister at March 17, 2009 07:29 AM