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March 19, 2009

"Honestly? I Lied"

This Dodd is some piece of work. I love how he's twisting in the wind. And give CNN some credit for nailing his ass

(CNN) -- Senate Banking committee Chairman Christopher Dodd told CNN Wednesday that he was responsible for language added to the federal stimulus bill to make sure that already-existing contracts for bonuses at companies receiving federal bailout money were honored.

Dodd acknowledged his role in the change after a Treasury Department official told CNN the administration pushed for the language.

Both Dodd and the official, who asked not to be named, said it was because administration officials were afraid the government would face numerous lawsuits without the new language.

Dodd, a Democrat, told CNN's Dana Bash and Wolf Blitzer that Obama administration officials pushed for the language to an amendment designed to limit bonuses and "golden parachutes" at those companies.

"The administration had expressed reservations," Dodd said. "They asked for modifications. The alternative was losing the amendment entirely."

On Tuesday, Dodd denied to CNN that he had anything to do with adding the language, which has been used by officials at bailed-out insurance giant AIG to justify paying millions of dollars in bonuses to executives after receiving federal money.

So he goes from saying "I did not do it" to saying "They made me do it!" in one day.

And now he's using the Flip Wilson Defense:

"Obama made me do it!"

Oh yes, Obama, the One who promised us to hit the ground running, to be the most readiest, most smartiest, most teleprompterist evuh, well right after Dodd issues his Obama-culpa President Obama says

(CNN) -- President Obama said Wednesday he'll "take responsibility" for AIG executives receiving controversial bonuses while the company took $173 billion in government bailouts.

"We didn't draft these contracts. We've got a lot on our plate. But it is appropriate when you're in charge to make sure stuff doesn't happen like this," Obama told a town hall meeting in Costa Mesa, California.

Yes, yes, who could have possibly predicted that someone who had never held any sort of executive position might be somewhat overwhelmed by the Presidency? Yes, you do have a lot on your plate, Mr. President. Poor bubsie.

Like choosing an appropriate gift for visiting heads of state.

Like filling out your NCAA bracket.

Like attending a town hall meeting in Costa Mesa.

Like choosing someone to help out noted tax cheat Geithner with all that hard math at Treasury.

Here's a bold suggestion. How about requiring Members of Congress to actually read all legislation before they are allowed to vote on it?

Posted by Mr. Bingley at March 19, 2009 07:00 AM


"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."

Mark Twain strikes again!

Posted by: JeffS at March 19, 2009 09:41 AM

"How about requiring Members of Congress to actually read all legislation before they are allowed to vote on it?"

Then they'd never pass anything. SWEET!

Posted by: Dave J at March 19, 2009 10:50 PM


Posted by: Gkvleuge at July 14, 2009 11:12 AM


Posted by: Gkvleuge at July 14, 2009 11:13 AM