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October 22, 2008

More "If You Disagree You're A Racist" Crap

So now the word "socialist" is actually code for "black;" in fact, it's an "old code word." Who knew? It really is stupidity beyond belief, well, it should be beyond belief; I'm not sure anything is beyond belief these days, and not worthy of much of a response. I think I like this fromVolokh best:

The funny thing is that if indeed Hoover referred to Du Bois, Robeson, and Randolph as socialists, it was not because they were black,but because they were, well socialists. Robeson, in fact, was a Communist, as was Du Bois in his later years.

Are there still 'racists' in the US? Of course. But this constant hue and cry over racism has become pretty much a red herring now, where every disagreement with Obama over policies is decried as racist, which frankly gives the impression that his supporters do not want any policy discussions at all. Can someone please tell me a legitimate thing to criticize him on?

And I suppose I can't say "red herring" now, because obviously "red" is code for "communist" which is code for "socialist" which is code for "black."

Well lookee here, using this political version of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon let's prove that anyone is in fact racist. Here's an easy one: Conservative bastions are called "Red States." As we've shown above, "red" is code for "communist" which is code for "socialist" which is code for "black." Therefore via our perfect logic they are in fact racist. And socialist.

Which makes as much sense as any other political analysis you're likely to see.

So in the meantime have fun with The Oracle of Bacon.

Posted by Mr. Bingley at October 22, 2008 07:12 AM


Okay, let me see if I get this right:

"Socialist" = "Black."

"Red" = "Socialist"

Therefore, by the principle of transitivity*

"Red" = "Black"

Hell's bells, I think I've figured out the reason for the mortgage crisis....people who thought they were in the black were actually in the red, because they can't tell the difference...

(*I think...it's still early where I am)

Posted by: ricki at October 22, 2008 08:36 AM

The cry of "Racist!" has so over-used and abused so to make the word equal with such phrases as "Ummmmm....", "Ahhhhhh....", and "Er...", not to mention the insult "You're a poopy head!"


Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at October 22, 2008 01:54 PM

Ricki: I think you're on to something with that
logic.Maybe the banks got confused,too.
I've read everything there is to read about the
McCarthy era and the red scare:Nowhere did anyone equate blacks(or colored) with socialism.It was
actually an Anti-Semitic reference. That is why Roy Cohn became the poster boy of anti-socialism, he
was Jewish and disproved any Anti-Semitic charges.

Posted by: greg newson at October 23, 2008 08:49 PM