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August 03, 2008

Filed Under: "Huh?"

Obama surrogate Robert Rubin on "Face the Nation" this morning. It was a masterful example of pin point parsing and cagey cozening. Click the pic to read this exchange in particular:

He becomes even more incomprehensible later in the interview, but Obama saying "Yes" to drilling just 48 hours after calling it a "scheme" sounds like some 'mind changing' to me.

Woof. These guys are slippery eels. Makes my head spin.

Posted by tree hugging sister at August 3, 2008 04:47 PM


Makes my head hurt.

Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at August 4, 2008 02:30 AM

Rubin is another Council on Foreign Relations
leader and attended the Fabian society's
London School. It's almost shameful,the politicians
don't even bother hiding their deceit anymore.
"What are going to do about?" Like in the Bruce
Springsteen song,"we're like a dog that's been beat too much"

Posted by: greg newson at August 4, 2008 02:37 AM