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April 13, 2007

Because They're White and Have Money

...don't waste your sympathy. Or your outrage. Because they were piggish college and had rented the strippers to begin with.

(At least I have a feeling Terry Moran wrote this on his own. If it's been Katie Couric...)

Posted by tree hugging sister at April 13, 2007 10:37 AM


That has been in the consenus on the sports blogs I read too. Because they're rich and white and "douchebags," we all shouldn't feel outraged.


Posted by: Lisa at April 13, 2007 11:11 AM

"And, MOST IMPORTANT, there are many, many cases of prosecutorial misconduct across our country every year. The media covers few, if any, of these cases. Most of the victims in these cases are poor or minority Americans--or both. I would hate to say the color of their skin is one reason journalists do not focus on these victims of injustices perpetrated by police and prosecutors, but I am afraid if we ask ourselves the question honestly, we would likely find that it is."

What an amazing statement by this fool. He spins it to make it seem as though it is our fault. Ass. HOLE. Let's dissect.

"And, MOST IMPORTANT, there are many, many cases of prosecutorial misconduct across our country every year."

Sadly very very true.

"The media covers few, if any, of these cases."

We must ask "why?" The Media chooses which stories they will cover, not the public. Oh sure, they need to keep an eye on what 'sells', but it is they who decide what to cover. So again, why did they choose to cover Duke and not one of the other of many such cases? Part of the answer is in his next statement:

"Most of the victims in these cases are poor or minority Americans--or both."

And unfortunately in the vast majority of these cases the perpetrators of the crimes are also "poor or minority Americans--or both". However this particular inconvenient truth does not fit the theme that the media wants to project. Unfortunately for those three men, the Duke case did.

"I would hate to say the color of their skin is one reason journalists do not focus on these victims of injustices perpetrated by police and prosecutors, but I am afraid if we ask ourselves the question honestly, we would likely find that it is."

I would hate to say the color of their skin is one reason journalists do not focus on these perpetrators of injustices but I am afraid if we ask ourselves the question honestly, we would likely find that it is.

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at April 13, 2007 12:26 PM

Cripes! Terry Moran is whining and crying as though he lost money betting on the outcome of this case.

He deserves to have his laptop broken over his empty head.

Posted by: Gunslinger at April 13, 2007 05:27 PM

I don't doubt prosecutorial misconduct happens, though as a prosecutor I find any example of it an outrage. I also think it happens less often than Terry Moran either believes or would like us to believe, i.e., all the damn time and twice on Sundays.

Posted by: Dave J at April 13, 2007 10:15 PM

This dumbass seems to say that all the publicity is the big reason they got the case investigated properly and dismissed. Yet, it's patently obvious that it was that very publicity, which just happens to fit a favorite liberal storyline of evil, rich white boys abusing a poor helpless victim of color, that was the reason they were prosecuted in the first place.

Nifong pumped this case to get reelected but I doubt that would have happened had it not been all over the news in the first place.

And I sincerely hope that every future rape victim who now has a harder time being believed gets to take a free whack at this monstrous bitch. Oh, and BTW, I heard on the radio on the way home that Nifong is on his way to being "tried" (or whatever the lawyer's guild calls it) by the state bar.

Posted by: Ken S, Fifth String on the Banjo of Life at April 13, 2007 10:38 PM

Ken, the bar complaint isn't news, but the degree to which the charges were so thoroughly unjustified and the fact that Nifong appears to have deliberately withheld Brady evidence from the defense suggests to me that he's well on his way to being disbarred.

Posted by: Dave J at April 15, 2007 08:09 PM

So we're not allowed to feel sympathy for them 'cos they're rich and white, even though they (and their families) were basically dragged through a mudpit for a year in the press? We're not allowed to be pissed off that the news media basically convicted these guys until the alleged victim's story started to fall apart?

I'm all for freedom of the press but I think in some cases - like this one - they abuse their freedom, basically convicting people without benefit of a trial. (And if it HAD gone to trial, and the guys been found not guilty, you KNOW people would be trumpeting about "white privelige! they got off because they were white, not because they were innocent!") Feh.

And, what Ken said about future rape victims. In some communities it's hard enough for a victim of the "classic stranger rape" (where a woman is jumped by some predator she doesn't know, when she's just going about her normal business) to find justice. It doesn't help when people cry wolf because they think maybe they can make some bucks off the thing....

Posted by: ricki at April 16, 2007 11:28 AM

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Posted by: skin types of cancer are at April 21, 2007 09:07 AM