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November 09, 2006

Is This What She Means By "A New Direction For America"?

Via Insta, here's some frankly frightening news about one of Pelosi's potential appointments

With majority status in the "people's house" comes a share in responsibility for the security of the Republic. This is why we are so concerned about a shadow which darkens presumptive Speaker Pelosi's triumphant morning, a shadow which will only grow longer if she allows it to begin appearing prominently in the media coverage of the global war on terrorism, metastasizing into her first "intelligence failure" even before she takes the gavel from outgoing Speaker Hastert. That is the shadow of Alcee Lamar Hastings, the reelected Democratic Representative from Florida's 23rd District.

Mr. Hastings was, in the outgoing 109th Congress, the second-ranked Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. But the Washington Post's Charles Babington first reported more than a year ago, in a story that has never been denied (indeed, it has been confirmed in the congressman's hometown newspaper, the Miami Herald) that Ms. Pelosi plans to replace the committee's current ranking Democrat, California Representative Jane Harman, with Mr. Hastings who would be installed as committee chairman when the 110th Congress begins. The move would be a payback to the Congressional Black Caucus, to whose support Pelosi owes her election as Minority Leader and whose members she angered by picking Ms. Harman to be ranking member over Georgia Rep. Sanford Bishop in 2003.

Read the whole thing. Did I say it was frightening? But see, that's because in my outdated outlook I see national security as the most important issue we face; it's not something that can be 'negotiated' or you can 'build bridges' about. You have to fight, hard, and you have to accept, first and foremost, that the only letters that matter next to your name are not "R" or "D" but "USA".

Posted by Mr. Bingley at November 9, 2006 06:59 AM


Did you see the statement that Pelosi made about seizing the gavel (at It Comes In Pints?)

maybe she wont be so scary after all...

Posted by: Sharon Ferguson at November 9, 2006 03:59 PM

Heh. I just had a vision of a schoolbus full of children attacking Harpy Pelosi with gavels.

Posted by: Gunsniper at November 9, 2006 05:04 PM

The gavel will be in the hands of America's nitwits. She seems to want to turn Congress into high school - I'll be your friend if you let me sit with you at lunch! OMIGAWD!

Posted by: Nightfly at November 9, 2006 10:35 PM

This actually happened a long time ago. "America is an absolute monarchy ruled by King Kid," Florence King observed back in the late 80s, I think. We've always preferred the young to the old, the fun to the serious, the uneducated "unspoiled" child to the smart "eggheaded" intellectual. In fact, our "intellectuals" are all really spoiled children sucking their thumbs. As for actual kids, they are in the position of having so many toys that they can't get out of the house, which is okay because it's too dangerous for a child to be outside these days; he might see a Republican.

Posted by: Andrea Harris at November 10, 2006 12:05 AM

When voting on an impeachment, the Senate can chose not only to remove someone from office, but in addition to bar them from ever holding federal office again. They should have done so when they removed Hastings from the federal bench for taking bribes. And if Pelosi actually makes him chairman, the GOP should boycott the committee's meetings until he's not: with the House so closely divided, they'll probably only have one fewer members on the committee, and be able to break a quorum by being absent.

Posted by: Dave J at November 10, 2006 08:09 AM

I like that thinking, Dave.

The only problem is that it requires something the GOP has been lacking of late: balls.

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at November 10, 2006 10:59 AM