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April 20, 2006

Oh, Really?

On the streets of Mexico City, the word is spreading. Cristina Robles, an elegantly dressed business woman who has just done the family shopping at Superama, a supermarket chain owned by US retailer Wal-Mart, says she will support the ban. "I am not going to buy anything American," she says. "I know it is not easy because there are a lot of illegal immigrants but the US has to treat them the same as any other worker."
Well-to-do Mexicans swear off Wal-Mart for a day to lecture the U.S. how to deal with the millions of illegal POOR Mexicans hanging out here. Take THAT, capitalista peegdogs! (And it's a dirty little secret ~ no one here likes to admit they shop at Wal-Mart either.)
Joaquín García Nava, owner of a corner cafe in La Condesa, a swanky neighbourhood in central Mexico City, agrees. "For me, the protest serves a double purpose: I get to support the immigrants and I also get to express my slightly anti-Yankee sentiments."
A two for one deal! Bueno. Make mine a double latte. Besides, he needs the gringo dollars.
Antonio Pereyra, a local government official, says people feel strongly about the need for immigration reform in large part because of their increasing dependence on remittances – money sent home by immigrants in the US. "Every single family has at least one member working in the US and without the money they send back home every month many would not be able to survive," he says.
To paraphrase something I heard ~ if you're strong enough to face the dangers and survive the desert, then you're strong enough to keep your illegal ass HOME and change YOUR country.

Posted by tree hugging sister at April 20, 2006 12:11 AM


The remittance issue is amazingly huge. I believe that El Salvadors largest souce of currency is the the dollars sent back by folks here.

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at April 20, 2006 07:41 AM

Tell me about it. When I used to manage the A&P in Kannapolis, I spent most of my Friday and Saturday nights doing nothing but sending Western Union Money Transfers to Mexico. Drove me nuts.

Posted by: Crusader at April 20, 2006 08:09 AM

Think of the horror and screaming if the US were to dare to treat its illegals the way Mexico treats theirs.

Posted by: Ken Summers at April 20, 2006 12:14 PM

Only the strongest and most courageous come to America.

I'd say America is working fine.

Let us turn them into citizens and keep them before they decide to go back.

Posted by: M. Simon at April 25, 2006 06:59 AM