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April 19, 2006

Danube Water Everywhere

...as well as the "if something's got to be done we'll...let someone do it for us" school of crisis management.

TV footage also showed young men playing soccer in Bistret and smoking cigarettes while watching gendarmes and soldiers rushing to fill the breach with sandbags.

“There are enough people there. If needed I will go to help,” a 20-year-old villager told private TV station N24.

Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu appealed to people in the endangered areas to help rescue teams reinforce dykes.

“I heard that some local people did not want to help. I can tell them that we are working to defend their houses and any additional hand is welcomed,” Tariceanu told the state radio.

Didn't we just see those people...?

Posted by tree hugging sister at April 19, 2006 11:56 AM


Blew Danube?

Posted by: Crusader at April 19, 2006 03:49 PM