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February 16, 2006

Speaking of Haiti

...that snake pit of corruption and death has a new President again. I hope the Haitian people finally have someone who works for them, but the reports don't bode well.

Earlier in the day, AP journalists saw thousands of ballots, some marked for Preval, deep in the dump along with a vote tally sheet and four bags meant to carry returns from the election. Discovery of the ballots was initially reported by Haitian TV Tuesday night.

The discovery troubled U.N. officials because the bags were not supposed to be thrown out. “They’re supposed to be kept,” U.N. official Catherine Sung, an electoral adviser who works at the main vote tabulation center, told the AP.

Shown photographs of the signed bags, Sung said they were meant to contain annulled and blank votes. The journalists also saw a green tally sheet of votes, but U.N. officials said that was not important because it was a copy of the original given to political party representatives.

U.N. spokesman David Wimhurst said Tuesday night after the TV news images of the dumped ballots were shown that someone may have dumped the ransacked ballots to create an appearance of fraud.

When told by the AP Wednesday morning of the discovery of the bags and of a tally sheet at the site, he said: “That’s extraordinary.” U.N. police were dispatched to retrieve what they could.

Where's Jimmay Carter?

Posted by tree hugging sister at February 16, 2006 11:30 AM


I wonder if Jimmy is going to say how wonderful the election was.

Posted by: Mike Rentner at February 16, 2006 11:46 AM

Don't worry: Jimmah Earl will be sure to endorse the "election" of the latest corrupt thug as "free and fair" no matter what actually happened.

Posted by: Dave J at February 16, 2006 11:54 AM