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February 14, 2006

Kidnapping a Radical? "Rendition Flights"?

QUESTIONABLE police practices??!!

"...police tortured the suspects with electric shocks, and hung one suspect by his feet from the fifth-floor of a building"
Who do they think they are? The FRENCH?

File this under: I Know You Are But What Am I?

Maybe Chirac et tout le reste should remember they were dinging us ("...the treatment of prisoners at Guantánamo Bayand AbuGhraib...") as idiots sauvages for that kind of stuff.

UPDATE: The revelations concerning the French (above) bolsters this view of events.

There will be continued public furor over the American efforts in Iraq, but far greater secret efforts to coordinate with the United States—in everything from isolating the Assad regime in Syria to rethinking missile defense. For the past three years the post-colonial Europeans have wished the Americans to learn their imperial lessons by failing in Iraq. Yet it may well be that many in private will now wish us to succeed, if only in the hopes that such Middle East democracies will be less likely in the future to turn loose their mobs to burn European embassies and threaten their citizens.

Posted by tree hugging sister at February 14, 2006 09:38 AM