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February 21, 2006

I'd Call That an Understatement

"It's obviously a situation that needs to be corrected."
Gov. Pataki is in dire straits.
Pataki's intestines aren't functioning and he is being given water and nutrients intravenously,...
Let's hope they get a handle on that in a New York minute. It's been a rough week for governors all around.
Fellow Republican Gov. Ernie Fletcher of Kentucky also remained hospitalized Tuesday after contracting a blood infection while recovering from gallbladder surgery last week. The bacteria in Fletcher's blood was moderately resistant to antibiotics, but treatment seems to be working, doctors said.

In Connecticut, another Republican governor, M. Jodi Rell, was involved in a car accident Tuesday morning but escaped injury. The governor's driver and the teenager whose vehicle hit the car's driver's side were also uninjured, authorities said.

Posted by tree hugging sister at February 21, 2006 04:41 PM