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August 05, 2005

What Losers. Pathetic Losers

I am so sick of this sh$t.

NCAA bans use of Indian mascots

Prohibition only applies to postseason, not to individual schools

INDIANAPOLIS - The NCAA banned the use of American Indian mascots by sports teams during its postseason tournaments, but will not prohibit them otherwise.

The NCAA’s executive committee decided this week the organization did not have the authority to bar Indian mascots by individual schools, committee chairman Walter Harrison said Friday.

Nicknames or mascots deemed “hostile or abusive” would not be allowed by teams on their uniforms or other clothing beginning with any NCAA tournament after Feb. 1, said Harrison, the University of Hartford’s president.

For God's sake, they don't use DRUNKEN Indians; they're all chiefs and warriors and kewl-a$$ kinda manly guys. Unlike a certain other offensive mascot being discriminated against by NOT being banned.
(But the post-season is only a dream for them anyway. AND the fact that Major Dad would...um...glower at me, if I taunted him about them a second time.)

Posted by tree hugging sister at August 5, 2005 01:05 PM


This is the biggest load of bullshit I've heard of EV.ER. As a born-n-bred Illinoisan, I'm PROUD of the heritage of my state, a heritage CELEBRATED by the existance of the Fighting Illini and Chief Illiniwek.

If the Navaho and Sioux are separate nations, as they claim, what business is it of their's if the Board of Regents of the University of Illinois choooses to honor the state's history and heritage in its mascot?

Is the next step to change the name of the actual STATE of Illinois?

God. Save us from these PC idiots, PLEASE.

Posted by: Lisa at August 8, 2005 05:07 PM

Is the next step to change the name of the actual STATE of Illinois?

EXACTLY the first question Major Dad asked to the air at large!! Utah (The Ute tribe) too, I guess.


Posted by: tree hugging sister at August 9, 2005 09:34 AM