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April 15, 2009

"What's That Smell in This Room?"

"Didn't you notice the powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity in this room?"

Apparently young Ronulan Mr. A* turned "Can you watch my mail?" into a Paul-nut manifesto/organizing drive and now there's no time to even partially undo the damage. That stinks.

Hello, I am back and discovered what has happened. A* is no longer with the Pensacola Tea Party. He was asked to simply acknowledge receipt of emails inquiring about the Tea Party. I did not know him that well but met him on my first and only visit to a Republican Club meeting. I was desperate for someone to answer the emails as they were coming in around 75 to 100 per day. I was incapacitated for two days and wanted everyone to receive answers.
Please accept my sincere apology for allowing him access to our incoming information.

Thank you, J*
Tea Party Pensacola

What a damn shame.

UPDATE: Never one to leave well enough alone, A* has seen fit to grace our comments in another post. I'll share them here, with no further narration.

You did not stand guard for the past few years, you allowed a "conservative" to pass "socialist" laws (PD-51) and you did not hold the feet of our elected officials to the fire. You are a Johnny-come-lately, so do not claim to be active, do not claim that our country was fine until late January, Wake up and become an active part of the solution, or continue being part of the partisan problem. You are on the path of blind partisan ignorance... A pervert with a [R] behind his name is OK in your book, and a Statesman with a [D] is still classified as "the problem". Return the Republican Party to its foundation of limited spending, pro-life(not pro-war), the Constitutional Rule of Law, and truly Free markets, not regulated for Corporate profits.

BTW, I challenge you to find 1 factual error on the http://MeetTheTruth.com website, if you have the fortitude to look at the truth.

Posted by tree hugging sister at April 15, 2009 07:38 AM


Further narration is unnecessary. A* is just trying to spin himself out of the hole he dug. Everything he says is a rant against the system, or is trying to paint you as some sort of faux conservative (projection, ain't it wonderful?).

If A* ever bothers to wake up and look around, he'll be embarrassed to see that he's preaching to the choir. Assuming, of course, that A* is not being disingenuous, but *cough* honest *cough*.

Posted by: JeffS at April 15, 2009 02:56 PM

If my experience with these charactes is any indication, A** is busy telling himself this proves Thy are out to get "Doctor" Paul, whose unjust persecution rivals that suffered by Christ himself.

/do I really need to?

BTW, "Beka" appears to be this ingenue, whose stated interest is Constitution Party Presidential candidate Chuck "the South was right in the War Between the States, and that the leaders of the Old Confederacy were not racists" Baldwin.

Posted by: Leigh at April 15, 2009 03:42 PM

To Mr. A* re:

"BTW, I challenge you to find 1 factual error on the http://MeetTheTruth.com website, if you have the fortitude to look at the truth."

Your entire 9/11 section is crap. "Loose Change" is pure horse manure.

Here's the real truth if you have the fortitude to look at the truth.

Posted by: Gunslinger at April 15, 2009 05:02 PM

Good one, Gunslinger. If he reads it, that report will make his head explode.

Posted by: Retread at April 15, 2009 08:22 PM

Are you serious? You think A* hasn't read the Popular Mechanics report? C'mon, people, get more creative than that. That report fails to disprove anything but the most inconsequential surface details. Have you ever watched the "loose change crap"? Calling something "crap," for the record, doesn't count as disproving it.

In case you missed it while sitting at home complaining, thousands of people showed up in downtown Pensacola and at the mall... no "freak" takeovers. We were there with everyone else and everything was fabulous. Too bad you were afraid to help.

Posted by: EJ at April 15, 2009 09:44 PM

Oh, silly EJ, you stepped in it this time. First, there's no point arguing with such a willfully ignorant pup as far as fire melting steel. Your tinfoil hat protects you from all incoming common sense or scientific proofs.

But your cocky little smack about "sitting at home complaining"? Schmaybe you should temper your language, because the person you're acting like an ass to (and don't kid yourself ~ you ARE an ass) just might have BEEN there. And also has pictures of the +/- 300 or so people who were in PLAZA FERDINAND, who marched down to Plaza de Luna and then back. Not thousands, grasshopper ~ your math skills are as rudimentary and spurious as your science aptitude. Or is it merely an overactive imagination that makes your penchant for gross exaggerations convenient and expedient? And I was there as everyone left, you sanctimonious, pretentious little twit.

No "freak" takeovers? Of course not ~ you give yourself and your fervent buds too much credit. It's just that no one wanted to stand with persons of your pseudo-intellectual bent as the face of our assembly and its diverse messages. That's what we objected to. And guess what? No one had to. It was lovely in its community and, as you put it, "fabulous".

But don't kid yourself ~ you are a freak. You and A* and all your sad little friends who live on the edge of the known world, spinning madly out there with the rest of the planetoids and debris on the fringes of the crowds of everyday people ~ very much like those who were gathered today. Instead of arrogantly, erroneously and continually accusing people of "being afraid" ~ A*'s fond of that rhetorical device, too ~ why don't YOU try controlling YOUR fear of society, adulthood and commonsense, and do REAL community service in the name of America and your neighbors, instead of serving some whack-job dogmatic overlord. Which, of course, you're only going to do until the next object of your fractured, fevered attention comes along.

Get a grip and grow up. ALL of you.

Now go away, or I will taunt you a second time.

Posted by: tree hugging sister at April 15, 2009 11:06 PM

Y'know, EJ, I just got back from a Tea Party rally. I drove an hour -- one way -- to get there. Lots and lots of people, especially for this part of the country. I loved it, especially hearing how other people are tired of the crap sandwiches Congress and the White House are shoving down our throats. So, in my own small way, I helped. Knowing Sis as I do, she went anyway, in spite of the Ronulans. So you really have no clue as to what you say.

By the way, I saw two Truthers there, both in their early 20's. One carried a sign with inf0 wars and "9/11 was an inside job" stickers on it; thing was, he carried it a hip level, in the crook of his arm, and not up high, like EVERYONE ELSE DID. Funny that. It's like he wasn't proud of what he believed, acting so furtive....or embarrassed.

The other Truther? He was handing out CDs about the Truther crap. He had a box with a couple hundred in there, professionally reproduced, neatly packaged. Looks like he had a hard time handing them out.

So, yep, the freaks didn't take over this particular rally.....but they clearly wanted to be included. We're lucky, I suppose, that the Ronulan population around here is fairly low. Pensacola may have a low population (relatively speaking) as well, but they are clearly a lot more aggressive.

Oh, and by the way.....I have seen "Loose Change" and the other 9/11 inside stuff......and it's all crap. 100%, pure, unadulterated crap. I speak as a civil engineer and former combat engineer, and I concur with the Popular Mechanics presentation.

And, no, I shan't debate it with you. I've debated this with other Truthers, and they have this pathological need to believe that the terrorist attacks did not occur, that the US government murdered nearly 3000 people. No other option is possible in their eyes, not even when scientific and engineering data that was old when I was in college 3+ decades ago is presented. Data that are COMMON KNOWLEDGE in the engineering and scientific communities are soundly rejected due to a mental incapacity to accept the simplest explanations.

It's an emotional reaction from the Truthers, not an intellectual one. It's nearly a religion to them, and they don't want their faith threatened; it's already fragile enough. So I enthusiastically endorse Guns' suggestion to read -- with an open mind -- the Popular Mechanics article.

There's a reason Truthers hate that article. It threatens their faith.

Posted by: JeffS at April 15, 2009 11:12 PM

Whew, Sis! That's AWESOME! EJ is probably changing his diapers about now.

We had at least 300 people at our rally; one speaker said 600, and he was on a platform, so it's probably somewhere in between.

One guy popped in from across the street; he was staying a hotel, and came over. Turns out he's a naturalized citizen, and came from Romania. He made two great points.

First, he said, even if you lived in Canada (and an earlier speaker was a former Canadian citizen), you don't know what socialism OR communism is.

Second, he said that people don't come to America to make money. "You can make money in Brazil, or in Mexico," is how he put it. No, he said, people come to America for the freedom. That was his word -- FREEDOM.

His final comment: "We need to protect our Constitution!"

The drive was worth it.

Posted by: JeffS at April 15, 2009 11:18 PM

"Are you serious?"

Dead on.

"You think A* hasn't read the Popular Mechanics report?"

I'm sure someone read it to him.

"C'mon, people, get more creative than that. "

I'll stick with the facts. You stick with the creative nonsense conspiracy theory crapola.

"That report fails to disprove anything but the most inconsequential surface details."

It is not the job of Popular Mechanics to disprove anything. It is your side's job to make the case for your wild and asinine claims which you've failed in such a spectacular fashion as to make stones weep.

"Have you ever watched the "loose change crap"?"

Yeah, the "Loose Change" that had to be revised about a dozen times due to being debunked. I did find it entertaining when I put it on mute and ran MST3K dialogue through my computer speakers in its place.

"Calling something "crap," for the record, doesn't count as disproving it."

I call it crap because it is in fact, crap. And once again, It's not up to the viewer to disprove an assertion, it is for the film maker to make the case. Didn't happen.

For your penance you shall kneel in front of your Ron Paul bed sheets with matching pillowcase, say one hundred "Hail Buchanans" and pray to David Duke to protect you from the evil Jewish bankers hiding in your closet.

Posted by: Gunslinger at April 15, 2009 11:33 PM


Posted by: Cizekqlq at July 14, 2009 08:56 AM