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April 28, 2009

"Updating A File Photo"

Goddamned sorry Most Competent idiots evuh

WASHINGTON – An administration official says a presidential Boeing 747 and a fighter jet flew low near ground zero in New York City Monday because the White House Military Office wanted to update its file photo of the president's plane near the Statue of Liberty.

How much did they (and by "they" I of course me "we") spend on this?

As my Bride asked last night, how many kevlar vests would that have bought for the soldiers overseas?

The New York Mercantile Exchange shut down because they evacuated everyone; how much money was lost on that?

Posted by Mr. Bingley at April 28, 2009 06:17 AM


I loved Charlie Gibson's comment last night, after reporting that Caldera 'didn't realize' the confusion and panic it would create: "Ya think?"

I just don't understand. These chuckleheads have *nothing* to do but update file photos? Isn't there, like, a war somewhere they can focus on?

The ABC website said Caldera was called into a meeting about it.
"It didn't sound like a fun meeting," the White House official says.

Ya think?

Posted by: Julie at April 28, 2009 09:00 AM

If Obama is "furious" over this idiocy, it's because his administration is -- once again -- demonstrating it's collective and massive cluelessness.

Posted by: JeffS at April 28, 2009 09:53 AM

It's just evidence of Special Snowflake-dom.

OF COURSE they are the only ones who matter. OF COURSE it doesn't matter that people are inconvenienced, frightened, or otherwise. They NEEDED a new file photo!

Posted by: ricki at April 28, 2009 09:54 AM

There's nothing wrong with updating a file photo. It's a new plane, after all. It's just idiotic to have done this over New York City. B. Hussein is from the midwest, they could have chosen the St. Louis arch or the grand canyon, or any number of other places.

It's almost like they don't want to waste any crisis and are doing their best to create more.

Someone had it in their fool head that anytime that plane goes someplace has to be a secret, whether the president is on board or not. It's not like all the reporters they always have aboard are trustworthy to keep secrets.

Posted by: Skyler at April 28, 2009 10:07 AM

Bah. It's a 747. It looks exactly the same as the other 747 except for the number on its tail.

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at April 28, 2009 10:36 AM

B. Hussein is from the midwest, they could have chosen the St. Louis arch or the grand canyon, or any number of other places.

Countdown to Slublog's photoshop of AF1 flying over Mt. Kilimunjaro in three... two...

Posted by: nightfly at April 28, 2009 10:50 AM

Okay, the warranty expires tomorrow - could we please just put him back in the original shipping container and send him back to Chicago?

Posted by: Joe Redfield at April 28, 2009 11:56 AM

Agree with Mr. Bingley. Plus they have photos up the wazoo of this thing already.

There has to be a naked political motivation for this. They specifically wanted a photo of this with the Statue of Liberty. Why? I see that showing up in his 2012 campaign blitz. Obama-Statue of Liberty-presidential leadership-vote for me.

Posted by: Yojimbo at April 28, 2009 12:55 PM

Well, scaring a few New Yorkers, who mostly voted for the marxist anyway, is a lot less of a concern than a marxist ideologue in the white house, a lunatic socialist in the house, and a filibuster proof senate.

We are fricking doomed. There is no way we can possibly undo the damage that will result to our freedom and prosperity after they create their dream of a Soviet Socialist Republic of America.

Posted by: Skyler at April 28, 2009 01:38 PM

Given how often The Won claimed 'distraction' during the campaign, I wonder what he was trying to distract us from this time.

I thought the limo was new, didn't realize the plane was new, too. Even so, Photoshop would have saved a lot of New Yorkers' nerves.

Maybe this was another effort to spend us to prosperity.

Posted by: Retread at April 28, 2009 03:43 PM

So it never occurred to these knuckleheads to take the plane's picture on the tarmac instead of some barnstorming action shot?

Posted by: Gunslinger at April 28, 2009 04:53 PM

There has to be a naked political motivation for this. They specifically wanted a photo of this with the Statue of Liberty. Why? I see that showing up in his 2012 campaign blitz. Obama-Statue of Liberty-presidential leadership-vote for me.

Yeah, wouldn't worry about that much, he's just showing us a picture of one of the few working machines when the 2012 storm comes (here) and how much you want to bet that once our sun regains it's flaming testicles of doom and obliterates civilization The One will be onboard that EMP resistant batcave?

Posted by: Ebola at April 29, 2009 12:40 AM

If ya'll believe that whopper I've got a bridge to sell ya...DIDN'T THESE MORONS EVER HEAR OF PHOTO SHOP?? You KNOW even THEY know what that is, so, one asks, just exactly WHY would they perpetrate such an act of domestic terrorism against the American people?

Simple: they want to remind everyone they can do whatever they want and that they don't give one red rat's patootie whether anyone cares, likes it or gets the bejeezus scared out of them. Cuz THEY WON. Yeah, right. And pigs fly. Oh, wait...

Posted by: The Dame at May 2, 2009 12:44 AM