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April 22, 2009

I Know It's "English"

“At no time, prior to becoming incapacitated, was Serena trapped in her vehicle. She was certainly able to get out of it.

“I am driven to the conclusion that if at any time she had wanted to do so before becoming incapacitated she could have got out of the car and would not have died as a result of the fire.

“I am satisfied the fire was started because of her deliberate actions. But I am far from satisfied that at that point in time it was her clear intention that death would ensue.

“I think it is more likely than not that she failed to understand the peril she was in and the consequences of her actions.”

Really. It is.

Posted by tree hugging sister at April 22, 2009 10:25 AM


Reading that story made my head hurt. And not just because the guy needs to retake English 101.
How can he say her death wasn't intentional?! Your car is on fire, you tell your recuers to f-off, there's no other way to read that: she wants to die.

Posted by: Julie at April 22, 2009 11:16 AM

Well, she won't do THAT again...

Posted by: mojo at April 22, 2009 11:27 AM

This brings new meaning to the term "Spinning my wheels".

Posted by: JeffS at April 22, 2009 06:14 PM

If you read Brit papers regularly you'll recognize this as the same generic, mincing voice the press over there uses to "quote" everybody. (Notice how everyone quoted speaks not just in complete sentences, but full paragraphs?) Honestly - I lived in rural Devon, kept house in Westminster for a middle-aged maiden lady in government, and in Forest Gate when it was still so English that Catholics were regarded as a curiosity. I can't recall anybody ever talking like this.

Posted by: Leigh at April 24, 2009 08:55 PM