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March 18, 2009

The NewsHour Had Some Fireworks Last Night

It was vastly entertaining.

...RAY SUAREZ: Well, Robert Kuttner, earlier today, the CEO of AIG, when asked that same question, said, "We can't attract and retain the best and brightest talent to lead and staff the company if employees believe their compensation is subject to continued review by the U.S. Treasury."

ROBERT KUTTNER: Yes, can you imagine that? I mean, the U.S. Treasury, by the way -- which is to say, the U.S. taxpayers -- owns 80 percent of the company. So it might as well start behaving like an owner.

And "the best and the brightest"? "The best and the brightest"? These are the worst and the dumbest.
These are the people who took down the whole economy.

So as far as I'm concerned, these 300 people in this unit in London that lost tens of billions of dollars that they now want the U.S. taxpayer to make up, far from getting bonuses, they should be sharing a cell with Bernie Madoff.

And if the Obama administration doesn't realize that the average American feels that way, then he's going to get on the wrong side of a populist backlash.

And the Republicans, who are ordinarily a lot closer to Wall Street, are going to eat his lunch.

I can't stop smiling.

Posted by tree hugging sister at March 18, 2009 09:47 AM


The Won is about to find out tea party attendees are smarter than the average lefty protester.

Posted by: Retread at March 18, 2009 05:34 PM

The best and the brightest? IQ wise the smartest
President in recent years was Jimmy Carter,but
I wouldn't trust him to run a gas station.
That's the problem with America.Steve Jobs and
Bill Gates couldn't get jobs at their own companies
now.It requires certified Masters degrees- for what!
My son went to work for Apple - he has a degree in
Mathematics from UC.He quit because the job was so simple and boring any 16 year old American kid could do it,
yet it required a degree.

Posted by: greg newson at March 21, 2009 06:15 PM