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March 20, 2009

Most Gifted Orator Ever

He just continues to impress, doesn't he?

Sigh. One almost gets tired of saying it, but one must say it, still: Can you IMAGINE what the press and the Dems would do with that, had Bush said it. Can you IMAGINE what the press and the Dems would have done with the Irish PM Teleprompter gaffe (the press has helpfully embargoed the video, so Obama doesn’t have to see it playing 24/7, as Bush would have - had Bush so gaffed). Can you IMAGINE what the press and the Dems would have done if Bush had given the Prime Minister of Great Britain a lousy pack of 50 “Classic” DVD’s that didn’t work in the UK?

Go read the Anchoress for the current (but ever growing, it seems) list of horrorsgaffs examples of this Administrations sheer intellectual and cultural brilliance.

As I think someone at Ace's said first:

"Boy, we really dodged a bullet with that Palin chick, didn't we?"

Posted by Mr. Bingley at March 20, 2009 07:22 AM


Yeah, and that list of "Can you imagine if Bush had done it?" moments is getting pretty long, too.

We're so screwed.

Posted by: Eric at March 20, 2009 07:46 AM

Funny how the same ones who ripped on Dan Quayle for literally years over an extra "e" are strangely silent.

Posted by: Gunslinger at March 20, 2009 05:19 PM