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January 19, 2009

The Gack Factor Gets Worse

Lincoln this, Barack and Michelle that...sweet Mary, Mother of God, get the coronation over as quickly as possible. I love the thought of a black man as president. I love the thought of little girls in the White House again. For the sake of the country, I want him to just be damn fantastic ~ part the waters, cure the common cold and all that ails us. I hope he's the right guy. I truly do.

But I am sick of the annointment (Ebola this evening, "I can't drink this!!! Pepsi's changed their f*cking logo to Obama's!"), the cultishness, the terrifying wave of mindless idol worship that's enveloping the air around me. There's this very personable, accomplished guy...and the lunatic fringe is a pace ahead...and behind...and swirling in clouds of their own making over his head, each gasping and grasping in fevered anticipation, each trying harder than the last to raise their hyperbole to mythic proportions ("I'll see you two Lincolns and raise you a Martin Luther..." "SHIT! We got anything to beat what Bryan Williams just said? WRITE, damn you!!!!"), that their heroic poesy might be remembered above the others.

Nobody was singing songs about Beowulf until after he iced Grendel. Worth remembering.

And I suppose, crank monkey that I am, that I could forgive in some measure the ludicrousness of the madness were it ONLY confined to our President Elect, Office of. But no. License breeds license, ergo deeds attributed to doers who ~ at least in the confines of my admittedly narrow sphere ~ never did. Re: tonight's concert...

...The musicians did the real inspiring. Bruce Springsteen, backed by dozens of chorale singers, performed "The Rising," the title cut of his album that helped the healing process after the 2001 terrorist attacks.

¿QUE?!?!?! I remember Bono at the Super Bowl ~ THAT was a healing moment for all time, by God. But I got no clue WTF this Springsteen thing is. First I've heard of it, without actually hearing it. And old mumble chop's warblings are pretty hard to understand anyway ~ like Ozzie Osbourne ordering coffee without the personal charm ~ so I'd have probably missed the healing message regardless. (In my defense, I completely got the drift of Toby Keith's "We'll put a boot up your ass" song. His elocution's excellent.)(Heh.)(I felt better after I heard it!)


Oh, well. It's all coming to a head right quick. For all the bullshit on the airwaves and print pages, your average Americans are pretty levelheaded and, while rolling their eyes now, will get tired of the euphoria gloria if it exceeds its allotted party time.

Here's to you, Mr. President-elect. My President-elect. Ours. I wish you nothing but the best, and want only the best, from and for both you AND us. That's the trust incumbent with the office. Rise above everything Chicago ever taught you, what be honest, steadfast and from the heart. An AMERICAN heart.

It reminds me of something. Years ago I queried about something I got drilled at me routinely ~ airline captains having one of the highest stress levels of any job, hence all the cardiac cases. Was that true, I finally asked the Grinch himself? Did the responsibility of all those lives every day eat at him?

He said, "No" and I was incredulous. What I got back was an exasperated, "Think about it..."

"They don't get there if I don't."

I hope you can get us there, President Obama. I truly do.

Posted by tree hugging sister at January 19, 2009 12:15 AM


I hope He gets us there, too. And maybe He will.

But all of that danged hype He puts out is simply not worth it; the lefties are squealing with joy at His Ascension, although some are doing more than squealing.

If you will pardon the analogy, people can't maintain an orgasm indefinitely. Sooner or later, they will come down to earth, and that day may well be ugly.

Assuming, naturally, that Obama isn't the empty suit of a socialist I take him as. I've been wrong before.

As for Springsteen's "The Rising".....don't bother. I picked up the CD, and was sorely disappointed. That was the final straw for me, and I've assiduously avoided him ever since.

Posted by: JeffS at January 19, 2009 02:35 AM

I take it as a symptom of our celebrity-addled culture. He is the First Celebrity President.

Like "real" celebrities, he doesn't have to actually DO anything for people to talk about him and fall all over themselves praising him.

And honestly? I'd rather have him do nothing at all other than stand there and look attractive than go into his office and dream up new ways to get government's finger into all of our pies.

(she said, 'pie.' uh-huh, huh, huh)

Posted by: ricki at January 19, 2009 07:35 AM

Ricki, if Obama did nothing but speak insipid phrases for the next 4 years, I'd be ecstatic. But he was trained by the Chicago political machine. That's not what they do. Keep a sharp eye on Obama, he will pull something, and it won't be good.

Posted by: JeffS at January 19, 2009 11:59 AM

I honestly and seriously think there are going to be some of his more demented cultish followers who wind up killing themselves when doesn't he perform the miracles they expect. I just hope they don't take anyone else with them.

Posted by: Dave J at January 19, 2009 08:04 PM