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December 20, 2008

It IS the Season

...of wonderments.

The Las Vegas Bowl is going to have the burliest, manliest, sexiest national anthem ever, and there's nothing you can do about it. Sure, the matchup of BYU and Arizona may seem like the odd couple of bowl pairings between a middling-to-good Pac-10 team and the third best team in the Mountain West, and that's not even taking the glaring cultural differences into account.

...Davis [sic] Hasselhoff will perform the National Anthem at Saturday's Pioneer Las Vegas Bowl.
And don't you know the *^&$#ING network starts their broadcast AFTER the anthem***?!?!?!? I'm scouring YouTube so I can share it with all my friends...HERE...before they see it anywhere else.

*** In the interest of hopey change and transparency, I must confess that I. AND major dad. Have heard the Hoff warble about "dawn's early light"...before. But LIVE and in PERSON. (Jesus, this is DIFFICULT.)

It's true.

We were in Turn 4 of the Indianapolis Speedway (Known fondly to locals as "The Brickyard".), having lost our collective minds during the introduction of Chuck Yeager as the (HOT yellow Vette) Pace Car driver, when the announcer spaketh yet again over the public address system: "And NOW! To perform our NATIONAL ANTHEM.....David...HASSELHOFF!!!!"

Stunned. Silence. Drunken revelry extinguished in a shocked moment of clarity.

And then damn near all 500,000 souls in attendance cried in agonized synchronicity,



I wasn't aware blogging could be so cathartic.

And that I get to share the experience.

Lucky y'all.

Posted by tree hugging sister at December 20, 2008 11:55 PM


At least you spared us from that horrible, horrible animated photo of Hasbeendork....

Posted by: JeffS at December 21, 2008 10:41 AM

For God's sake be quiet man.

Posted by: Dave E. at December 21, 2008 04:14 PM

Jeez, Jeff, don't give her any ideas!

Posted by: Ken S, Fifth String on the Banjo of Life at December 21, 2008 05:55 PM


Posted by: newye1717 at January 15, 2009 08:57 AM