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November 27, 2008

"We Have To Appease Them"

Well, I guess I'll give this ass points for clearly saying what he thinks

(CNN) -- The Indian city of Mumbai exploded into chaos early Thursday morning as gunmen launched a series of attacks across the country's commercial capital, killing scores of people and taking hostages in two luxury hotels frequented by Westerners. Deepak Chopra says extremists could be reacting to Barack Obama's gestures toward Muslims.
CNN's Larry King spoke with author Deepak Chopra about the situation.

Deepak Chopra:... The situation is complex, Larry, because it could inflame to proportions that we cannot even imagine. It has to be contained. We now recognize that this is a global problem, with only a global effort can solve this.

And you know, one of the things that I think is happening is that these militant terrorist groups are actually terrified that [President-elect Barack] Obama's gestures to the rest of the Muslim world may actually overturn the tables on them by alienating them from the rest of the Muslim world, so they're reacting to this.

You know, this is Obama's opportunity to actually harness the help of the Muslims.

You know, there's 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. That's 25 percent of the population of the world. It's the fastest-growing religion in the world. We cannot, if we do not appease and actually recruit the help of this Muslim world, we're going to have a problem on our hands.

And we cannot go after the wrong people, as we did after 9/11, because then the whole collateral damage that occurs actually aggravates the situation.

In India, this is particularly inflammatory, because there's a rise of Hindu fundamentalism. We saw what that did in Gujarat, where, you know, Muslims were scorched and they were killed, and there was almost a genocide of the Muslims.

See, everyone knows that the Hindus and Muslims lived in perfect harmony until Chimpy McBushhitler, right? Ass.

Continuing on as a learned philosopher, Chopra then quotes from the Holy Book of Bill Maher

Chopra: Because it's an oxymoron. It's an oxymoron, Larry, a war on war, a war on terrorism.

You know, terrorists call mechanized death from 35,000 feet above sea level with a press of a button also terror. We don't call it that, because our soldiers are wearing uniforms. They don't see what is happening, and innocent people are being killed. So, you know, terror is a term that you apply to the other.

King: Thanks, Deepak Chopra, as always, extraordinarily enlightening

Yes, extraordinarily enlightening, indeed.


Posted by Mr. Bingley at November 27, 2008 08:16 AM


Why in the blue hell does anyone give a tinkers damn what Deepak Chopra thinks about any subject? He always sounds like he dropped a pane of acid and is giving everyone a real-time accounting of his hallucinations.

Posted by: Gunslinger at November 27, 2008 09:56 AM

can i stick a samurai sword up this pompous bastard's backside...(descriptive adjectives) that he is..has the gall to blame hindus...my blood boils i hope people strip him in public and expose him for the liar and charlatan and 2 timing janus faced crook this bastard is.

Posted by: crusader at November 27, 2008 10:12 AM

Take pictures if you do, crusader.

Posted by: Gunslinger at November 27, 2008 10:24 AM

Gee, crusader, how do you really feel about him? Don't hold back!

Posted by: major dad at November 27, 2008 10:53 AM

Chopra is a businessman. He needs to sell his books so he has to be politically correct. I hope that Dr Chopra stops with his bullshits and admits that Hindus are the victims here. What the hell is wrong with the hindus. We have to stand up NOW.

Posted by: Souraindra at November 27, 2008 12:05 PM

Its refreshing to hear Dr.Chopra's voice of sound reasoning amidst hundreds of idiot fanatics who are just baying for the blood of those people who they think are different from them. The right wing American nutjobs or the hindu fundamentalists are the reason why there is chaos in this world. Muslims merely react to their actions.

Posted by: Guy Reason at November 27, 2008 12:38 PM

souraindra why don't you go blow yourself up or something?

Posted by: jonathan at November 27, 2008 12:46 PM

actually souraindra, if you examine the world, virtually every place of unrest is the result of muslims attacking people. are you going to say 'american nutjobs' and 'hindu fundamentalists' are in all these places?

Posted by: jack robbins at November 27, 2008 12:49 PM

johnathan, jack robbins…

Guy (lack of) Reason is the one spewing the stupidities not Souraindra.

Posted by: Gunslinger at November 27, 2008 02:24 PM

"25% of the world is Muslim " is not a good reason to put up with their abuse. 75% beats 25% unite, and show them what people of civilized religions can due when pushed to the limit. We are at the limit. Enough of their garbage.

Posted by: SCUDS at November 27, 2008 07:09 PM

Talk about my poor form. It's all you can do.

Posted by: SCUDS at November 27, 2008 07:12 PM

Deepak is very right that it's a global problem and we must engage Muslims to solve this global problems. Without help of Muslims this problem can not be solved.

And do not forget history(USSR-Afghan War) we know in relaity the creater of this problem was/is Western World and US who sponsored these groups in the past.

And additianay the media must stop associating Islam with the this kind of terror activities of the unknown groups otherwise the world will lose the support of the ordinary Mulsims.

Posted by: OrdinaryMan at November 27, 2008 09:12 PM

No one is stopping non-militant Muslims from rising up against the violence of the bloodthirsty fundamentalist fanatics, or, at a minimum, loudly denouncing it. It's just not happening, and what are we to make of their inaction and silence?

Posted by: Jim - PRS at November 27, 2008 09:53 PM

"Deepak is very right that it's a global problem and we must engage Muslims to solve this global problems."

Engage in combat is what you mean. There's no alternative.

"Without help of Muslims this problem can not be solved."

Islam is the problem.

"And additianay the media must stop associating Islam with the this kind of terror activities"

Islam is the source of these terror activities whether you like it or not. Don't blame the media when they actually decide to inform people of truth for once.

Posted by: Gunslinger at November 27, 2008 10:48 PM

The driving force in history and the reason for nations,races,and culture is:People move away from crazy people.That is why Swedes live where it's twenty below zero.And Icelanders live where it's
glacier like.The only solution is to move away from
crazy people and start your own society.What our
nation is doing is bringing the crazy people to us and trying to reform them.It's like having six pit bulls living next door to you,they might be okay,
but six labrador retrievers would be less likely
to kill you.

Posted by: greg newson at November 28, 2008 01:10 AM

"We cannot, if we do not appease and actually recruit the help of this Muslim world, we're going to have a problem on our hands."

Seems to me that Muslims are only 25% of the world's population. We could easily survive as a species with a 25% reduction without any problem whatsoever. Just keep pushing us, Muslims . . .

Posted by: Skyler at November 28, 2008 01:24 AM

I like one thing that Chopra says " It's not enough for Indians to blame Pakistanis. Indians should actually ask the Pakistanis to help them."

I think India can take a leaf out of tbe book from the example USA set with the erstwhile USSR. The relations in the 70s and 80s were so close, warm, friendly and brought about overall peace in the world. And then the USA went even further in spreading peace in Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Posted by: Satish at November 28, 2008 02:52 AM

Satish:That is because the USA government has forgotten it is an instrument of the US people
and has become the master of its own interest.
The government is an entity onto itself.It has
become policeman of the world and is treasonous.
George Washington said to avoid foreign entanglements, and we forgot that.Cops are everywhere
and can kill without any control(except a 90 day paid vacation,while a pseudo-investigation happens).
and we lost are country on 9 11 2001.Osmana Ben Laden destroyed America with 3 jetliners.

Posted by: greg newson at November 28, 2008 03:25 AM