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October 29, 2008

Did Campbell Brown Get Struck by the Truth Fairy?

I really have no other explanation for the sudden rash of commonsense spouting from her ruby reds.

...On this issue today, former Sen. Bob Kerrey of Nebraska, an Obama supporter, writes in The New York Post, "a hypocrite is a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue -- who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings. And that, it seems to me, is what we are doing now."

For this last week, Sen. Obama will be rolling in dough. His commercials, his get-out-the-vote effort will, as the pundits have said, dwarf the McCain campaign's final push. But in fairness, you have to admit, he is getting there in part on a broken promise.

Posted by tree hugging sister at October 29, 2008 10:26 AM


Well, now that the they assume it's in the bag she can make a feeble attempt to be 'objective'. i mean, she's only 8 months late to this.

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at October 29, 2008 10:33 AM

Would they were ALL late to the party, but at least there.

Posted by: tree hugging sister at October 29, 2008 11:24 AM

Obama has not been forthright in telling Americans who he is, who he has been associated with, or what he will do if elected. If the media had done its job in vetting Obama from the beginning ... and if 18 months ago Americans knew what they know today about Obama, he would never have made it this far. I would be willing to bet that there are still volumes that we don't know about Obama, and even more Obama is not telling us about what he would do once elected. We also don't know where much of his 600 million dollars in campaign contributions came from ... possibly foreign nationals. Obama's donations are literally enabling him to buy the Presidency of the United States. And then there's Acorn, and voter fraud, which all seems to be favoring Obama. A socialistic agenda will ruin America ... whose 200+ year capitalistic ideology has made us the country where everyone wants to live ... even at risk of life and limb! It's pretty obvious that McCain loves America, not just in words, but in deeds that cost him dearly. I don't mind some changes, but changing our entire free enterprise system for socialism is NOT change I can believe in. I don't trust Obama. I think he will say or do anything to get elected. These are just some of the reasons I'm voting for McCain/Palin on November 4th.

Posted by: Howard at October 29, 2008 01:17 PM

Boo hoo! Cry me a river. The so called "socialist" just proved that capitalism is alive and well in this country. You should all be breathing a sigh of relief.

Posted by: Dez at October 29, 2008 01:23 PM

All of these inuendos and speculations about Obama have become sickening. What do you know about John McCain and his associations? I am not by any stretch of the imagination an Obama homer, it just disgusts me to see a man with a wife and children be subjected to some of the most vicious and unsubstantiated attacks imaginable. Have you ever tried to put yourself in this man's shoes and imagine the same attacks being leveled at you as the ones you are leveling at him. The fear of Obama is not his name or what it is connected to, the fear of Obama is his color and there are far too many white people who cannot imagine themselves being governed by a black man. Might I set your minds at ease. Obama is not a black man, he is a man of mixed parentage and is just as white as he is black. So look at him like neopolitan ice cream, if you dont like the chocolate just stir around it and get to the vanilla and vice versa. The primary thing though is that these vicious attacks on another human being need to stop. We need to stop listening to campaign rhetoric about socialism and unamerican and look at the records of the candidates and form your own opinion.

Posted by: Lee T at October 29, 2008 01:52 PM

Commentary: Obama breaks promise on campaign finance
Campbell Brown, with all due respect, so did John McCain, he promised the American people that he would run a clean and above board campaign; a promise he went back on when he thought, for political expediency, he had to get down in the mud with a pig who wears lipstick.
So much for no bias, no bull!!!
You and I have every right to our opinions; it would behoove us both though to give both sides equal critique. I think the real issue the press and John McCain's campaign have issue with the fact that Barack Obama raised so much money is because, he exceeded what your expectation was on all levels.
So, let’s talk about how Barack has exceeded: He exceeded in his fundraising, (the source of your gripe in tonight’s blog) he exceeded in the number of supporters (I like to call them people of substance) he exceeded in his get out the vote campaign (and no, they are not primarily blacks; as have been represented by every ethnic group and nationality), he exceeded in the manner of which he ran his campaign (professionally & with honor; not to mention leadership and organizational effort), he has exceeded in the polls and the poll of polls, and with early voters, absentee voters and individuals yet to vote! I can go on and on Campbell Brown in so many areas of the Obama Campaign but, you want to talk about money. So let’s!
I am one of the donors who could only send Barack OBama $15 & $25 contributions at a time and I together with many others did this because we thought it was well worth it to get Barack elected. I don't know what Sen. McCain's contributors gave him over the period of time that he has been campaigning for the office of Presidency but, whatever the amount, he lost confidence in his contributors willingness or ability to continue to support (financially) his efforts to get him to the White House, so he opted for public financing. I have thought about this and can only surmise that one of two things led Sen. McCain to limit his resources to Public Financing: 1. ) He was over-confident in his ability to win the White House with limited funds, or 2.) Sen. McCain's base was never really behind his bid for the White House so they were not going to fund him ad-infinitum with his effort. (That includes all the primary candidates who dropped out of the race and endorsed him, just not with their money or that of their supporter). This was not the case for Obama! We gladly would have sacrificed month after month to get who we believe to be the best candidate for President of the United States! Plain and simple!
In your next op-ed, expand on this one by telling the American People about the donors that would show up to Barack Obama's campaign offices and donate $1, $5, and $10 dollar amounts. We do this because we believe he will keep a more important promise to us, and that is getting this nation back to the place where we can heal, restore our prosperity and standing across this country and around the world. We believe he will keep his promise to help give healthcare to the millions of uninsured. We believe that he will end our dependence on foreign oil and jump start this economy beyond the initial bailout. We believe he will improve education for America’s children on all levels from pre-k to college. We believe he will care for our veterans in war and more importantly after the war! WE BELIEVE HE WILL KEEP A MORE IMPORTANT PROMISE FAR GREATER THAN THAT OF PUBLIC FINANCE. So, to you and anyone else that agrees with your perspective, Get over It.

Posted by: Addie at October 29, 2008 02:24 PM

"Might I set your minds at ease. Obama is not a black man, he is a man of mixed parentage and is just as white as he is black. So look at him like neopolitan ice cream, if you dont like the chocolate just stir around it and get to the vanilla and vice versa."

that's some funny shit

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at October 29, 2008 02:32 PM

Oh my! Struck a nerve with some followers of the Messiah. "Ran a honorable campaign", let's see I think one commentator just called Gov Palin a pig. What a load of crap. People don't know squat about this guy or refuse to know anything because you are a racist if you question the man. If this guy wins and all hell breaks loose the apologists will be working overtime.

Posted by: major dad at October 29, 2008 02:51 PM

Oh no, you've been targeted by Obama's double plus good supporters. I think your website might be labeled as double ungood by the ministry of truth.

Posted by: Skyler at October 29, 2008 03:58 PM

Screw Obama and his horde of zombie slaves.

(That should help solidify that double plus ungood label.)

Posted by: Gunslinger at October 29, 2008 06:11 PM

"All of these inuendos [sic] and speculations about Obama..."

Looks like the ministry of truth is also handing out beer goggles for Obama.

Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at October 29, 2008 07:30 PM


Posted by: Gaqscwzq at July 14, 2009 02:33 PM