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May 15, 2008

No Wonder The Von Trapps Left

So Long, Fare Well,
Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu
I'll take my axe
To you and you and yoo-u

(CNN) -- An Austrian man has confessed to killing five members of his family with an ax, Vienna police said Wednesday.

The man walked into a Vienna police station early Wednesday and told authorities he had killed his wife and 7-year-old daughter early Tuesday, police spokesman Michael Braunsperger said.

The man, a self-employed public relations consultant according to The Associated Press, said he had also murdered both his parents and his father-in-law in the cities of Ansfelden and Linz, respectively, the spokesman said.

Police found the five victims, who had all been killed with an ax, Braunsperger said. The man said his motive was "financial difficulties."

"He said he'd been speculating on the financial markets and had lost everything, so he ... wanted to spare his family the shame," Braunsperger said.

What a thoughtful guy. I wonder if that's a traditional Austrian saying: "Spare the shame and axe the child."

Austria certainly has had its share of wackos lately, hasn't it?

Posted by Mr. Bingley at May 15, 2008 07:17 AM