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January 30, 2008

Depends What Your Version of "IS...

...LAM" is. Can't have those ugly un-truths filtering through.

Malaysia bans 11 books on Islam

Malaysia has banned 11 books for allegedly giving a false portrayal of Islam, such as by linking the religion to terrorism and the mistreatment of women, an official said Wednesday.

The government ordered the books -- most of them released by U.S. publishers -- to be blacklisted earlier this month "because they are not in line with what we call the Malaysian version of Islam," said Che Din Yusoh, an official with the Internal Security Ministry's publications control unit.

"Some of them ridicule Islam as a religion, or the facts are wrong about Islam, like associating Islam with terrorism ... or saying Islam mistreats women," he said. "Once you mention something which is not correct, it's not proper."

See? No mention of a fatwah for the authors! Now that's civilized behavior.

Posted by tree hugging sister at January 30, 2008 09:44 AM


They gonna ban the BBC too? Or just your blog?

Posted by: nightfly at January 30, 2008 01:36 PM

"Publications Control Unit"? That's pure Orwellian.

Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at January 30, 2008 08:58 PM


What's that name in Arabic?

Posted by: tree hugging sister at January 31, 2008 12:01 PM