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June 14, 2007

Just What We Want Near The Panama Canal

Hugo's buying some Russian subs

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is expected to finalise a deal on buying up to nine Russian submarines during a visit here later this month, a Russian newspaper reported on Thursday.

Caracas has already ordered five 636-type diesel submarines and four of a new model of diesel submarine, the 677E Amur, the Kommersant broadsheet said, quoting unnamed sources in the ship-building and arms export sectors.

Chavez may have to settle for the older 636 submarines for the time being as the new 677E Amur has not yet been presented to Russia's own navy, a source at the arms export agency Rosoboronexport said.

The 636 ain't no slouch.

Type 636 is designed for anti-submarine (ASW) and anti-surface ship (ASuW) warfare and also for general reconnaissance and patrol missions. The Type 636 submarine is considered to be to be one of the quietest diesel submarines in the world. It is said to be capable of detecting an enemy submarine at a range three to four times greater than it can be detected itself.

Think of these every time you fill up at Citgo. Or Lukoil.

Posted by Mr. Bingley at June 14, 2007 09:25 AM


Maybe someone should remind old Vlad about this every time he says "put that missile shield in fill-in-the-bank, instead!"

Posted by: tree hugging sister at June 14, 2007 12:31 PM

And of course Venezuela has such a great need for submarines to patrol the waterways. The economy going so well and all.

Posted by: Firehand at June 15, 2007 04:36 AM