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March 22, 2007

Barbarism In Chicago

This horrible incident is partly the result of a corrupt city government. Look at the video if you can. How can those people there not attempt to help this poor woman?

CBS) CHICAGO A woman was injured during a frightening attack and it was all caught on tape. The attacker was an off-duty Chicago police officer who has now been charged. CBS 2 Investigator Dave Savini reports.

Shocking surveillance video shows off-duty Chicago police officer Anthony Abbate, 38, a 12-year veteran of the force, brutally beating a female bartender.

He punches and kicks her.

"He was drunk in a bar. She refused to serve him anymore so he went behind the bar and threw her around like a sack of potatoes," said Attorney Terry Ekl who represents the alleged victim.

Well, there you go. The thug was an off-duty cop. The only thing I can say in the bystanders' defense is that they thought if they helped her, i.e. fought the bastard, that they would be the ones who ended up in jail. And the Chicago PD's initial reaction certainly supports that

"The Chicago Police Department made a unilateral decision that they were going to charge him only with a misdemeanor without telling the State's Attorney’s Office," said Ekl.

But prosecutors took over and filed felony aggravated battery charges.

"It's one of the most brutal and savage attacks that I have seen caught on tape," said David Navarro, a prosecutor in the case.

Based on their high standards and careful backround checks you wonder how many other charmers like this guy are on the force

Abbatte is no stranger to drunken behavior.

He was one of 100 Chicago police officers who had been hired despite having prior drug or alcohol related driving offenses.

Abbate had also been arrested for drag racing and driving on a suspended license.

Nice, huh?

But still. What kind of loathesome beasts would not go to this woman's aid? It is completely disgusting behavior.

Posted by Mr. Bingley at March 22, 2007 08:06 AM


I know the guy was pretty big, but that's what the barstools are for: to crack over the big guy's head.

At least it looks the guy on the left called the cops right away.

Posted by: Tainted Bill at March 22, 2007 08:29 AM

Exactly, Bill. It looks like there were what, 3 other guys there?

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at March 22, 2007 08:45 AM

Unless you have a plan to bring the man down, subdue him, reform him, and exit the situation successfully, you shouldn't go in to start with.

Posted by: nobrainer at March 22, 2007 09:00 AM

Um, it isn't UP to the police to "charge him only with a misdemeanor." They can ARREST him on a misdemeanor, but the State's Attorney's office makes the charging decision.

Posted by: Lisa at March 22, 2007 09:08 AM

Contrary to their own beliefs, they're not lawyers.

Posted by: Lisa at March 22, 2007 09:08 AM

Ah, that could be, Lisa. You have certainly more knowledge of that field than I do.

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at March 22, 2007 09:37 AM

Brainer, so we should use the Democratic Party Evaluation of War Aims Guidelines...yes, let's caucus and poll and see what nuanced policy we can develop to resolve the situation.

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at March 22, 2007 09:42 AM

A barstool would work nicely, that's a fact. But go in fast and swing hard; this sort of drunk is dangerous. And then run like hell.

I once lived in Chicago, and knew a fair number of Chicago police officers. And, of course, there was the general reputation of the Chicago government, period.

None of which persuades me that this sort of officer is unique within the ranks of the Chicago Police Department.

The city government tends to be corrupt and incompetent (a patronage hiring system has that effect), and that trickles down to the lowest level. There are good people in Chicago, but you have to look carefully to see them.

Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at March 22, 2007 09:53 AM


Regardless of Chicago's police force or not; were I there I'd have beat him into puddle of goo.

I watched that video and I nothing but contempt for those other guys standing around while a 120lb woman was savagely beaten and kicked.

Posted by: ed at March 22, 2007 11:32 AM

Ya'll better 'n me ~ I couldn't watch it.

Posted by: tree hugging sister at March 22, 2007 12:23 PM

Lisa, you're correct up to a point, but assuming that level of knowledge on the part of journalists is quite generous of you. And while a notice to appear or a traffic citation may be an "imperfect" charging document, unlike an information or indictment, it still is one, so police can in some cases file charges: we get criminal traffic offenses batched through the Clerk's office here all the time that have NEVER passed through a prosecutor's hands prior to arraignment.

The level of discretion on the part of police IS certainly there, at least in my own experience. I assume that as in Florida, in Illinois someone can be given a notice to appear in lieu of a physical arrest for a misdemeanor; they can certainly always be given a traffic citation in lieu of arrest for misdemeanor traffic offenses. In that case, there may not be any sworn probable cause affidavit, and without sworn testimony, a prosecutor can't file an information charging a felony. I've seen it happen plenty of times with cops writing tickets for people who COULD have been charged with felonies: yes, theoretically I could get the cop to write up a PC affidavit to send to felony case filing, but 99 times out of a hundred, it ain't gonna' happen.

Posted by: Dave J at March 22, 2007 05:31 PM