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March 14, 2007

A 'Labs 4 Rescue' Raffle

...for a shot at YANKEES vs BOSUX tickets !! Holy CRAP!

Labs4rescue is pleased to announce its 2007 New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox Raffle. Here's your chance to win:

Four FAN!tastic field box seats to a 2007 regular season New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox baseball game at Yankee Stadium! (The winner will work with the Yankee's office to select the game.) This incredible game day package includes: V.I.P. parking, behind-the-scenes stadium tour, personalized scoreboard message, official photograph of scoreboard message, an amazing goodie bag for each guest, lunch or dinner, and an up close and personal opportunity to view batting practice.

Only $10 per raffle ticket! The drawing will be held during the 2007 Yankees opening home series.

To order your raffle tickets please send a check or money order payable to Labs4rescue and a self-addressed stamped envelope to Labs4rescue, P.O. Box 955, Killingworth, CT 06419. Please do NOT send cash in the mail; Labs4rescue WILL NOT be responsible for payments lost in the mail. All orders must be received by Friday, March 30, 2007.

(Credit card junkies can email them at raffle-at-labs4rescue.com for info how to do it that way.) They're a virtual steal at TEN BUCKS a PIECE, so BeauBeau (who's a Labs4Rescue wabbadork himself) and his cousin Claude say:
"Get yer raffle tickets right here!
....OOOO! Cookie!"

Posted by tree hugging sister at March 14, 2007 03:34 PM


Sweet! Hopefully I can go into the heart of darkness to watch the Yankees lose in the most embarassing and disgraceful fashion, which they of course utterly deserve. :-p

Posted by: Dave J at March 14, 2007 09:15 PM