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January 04, 2007

Speaking of Love Hurting, Mullah Omar and the Somali Taliban

...those frickin' taxi drivers are at it again.

Booze, dogs too much for some Muslim cabbies
Drivers refuse service to passengers, Minn. airport officials put up a fight

Some Muslim cab drivers are refusing service to a growing number of passengers with alcohol or dogs, and officials at Minneapolis-St. Paul International airport are trying to fight it.

"Our expectation is that if you're going to be driving a taxi at the airport, you need to provide service to anybody who wants it," said Patrick Hogan, spokesman for the Metropolitan Airport Commission.

Each month, about 100 people are denied cab service at the airport, and refusals for religious reasons have grown in recent months, airport officials said. About three-quarters of the 900 taxi drivers at the airport are Somali, many of them Muslim.

...Last year, the airports commission received a fatwa, or religious edict, from the Minnesota chapter of the Muslim American Society saying "Islamic jurisprudence" prohibits taxi drivers from carrying passengers with alcohol, "because it involves cooperating in sin according to Islam."

Stick to your guns, my man!! If that same Somali cab driver wanted to rent your apartment and you told him no because eating GOAT is against YOUR religion, welllllllll...that'd be tough on you, right? Not to mention the discrimination lawsuit he'd lay on your a$$ just about that quick.

Turn about's fair play, I'd think. It's almost worth the airplane ticket, liquor tab and chihuahua rental to have one of them tell me "NO" at the curbside.

I'd sue them AND the cab company AND the airport authority AND the city licensing hack office so fast you wouldn't have time to spit out "Mogadishu".


Posted by tree hugging sister at January 4, 2007 04:31 PM


Take their hack licenses AND their cab medallions from them. If the goatfuckers don't want to respect the rules, they can go back to their middle eastern dung heaps and ferry passengers about in a donkey cart.

Posted by: Gunslinger at January 4, 2007 05:10 PM

The good news here is that the Airports Commission is actually talking about upping the penalty for drivers who refuse riders because they possess alcohol or have a dog with them. Before they had to go to the back of the line, now they are talking about suspending their license for 30 days. A pretty steep fine if that's how you make your living. Also good news: The airport is standing fast in its refusal to have a separate prayer room for muslims, or any religion for that matter. The general public will support them overwhelmingly on both issues. I think the Islamists have gone a cab too far on this one.

Posted by: Dave E. at January 4, 2007 05:13 PM

Yep. You guys are cab drivers, not freakin' luggage inspectors or animal control agents. Shut up and drive, huh?

As for "Islamic jurisprudence", last time I checked it had no sway in the US. You might as well notify the High Panjandrum of Minneapolis (or whatever) that he's not in charge.

Posted by: mojo at January 5, 2007 11:22 AM