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January 03, 2007

Love Hurts

Pakistani loses ears, nose for love marriage
Members of wife's tribe assault man for marrying without family's OK

Armed men cut off the ears and nose of a Pakistani man who married one of their tribe for love after he and his family refused to hand over his wife, police said on Wednesday.

The attackers also chopped the ears off the man’s brother and severed his mother’s hand in the latest “honor” crime to hit Pakistan’s conservative rural areas.

...has a whole different meaning in Islamic Shari‘ah. On a related note, Florida Cracker notices the Woebegon Somali citizens of Minneapolis are lamenting the "rode outta town on a rail"-ness of their Somali Taliban counterparts, setting back assimilation plans for their own fair burg's randy inhabitants.
...They made the whole country a respectable place," said Salah Warsame, 47, of Minneapolis, another of the rally's organizers. "Once they started being accepted throughout the country, the enemies of Somalia started getting worried."

Maybe they should talk to this guy. He's gonna be in Congress shortly and seems to be singing off the same sheet of minuret music.
("THRILLS" the crowd, even.)
1st Muslim congressman thrills crowd in Dearborn

Speaking in Dearborn late Sunday night, the first Muslim elected to Congress told a cheering crowd of Muslims they should remain steadfast in their faith and push for justice.

"You can't back down. You can't chicken out. You can't be afraid. You got to have faith in Allah, and you've got to stand up and be a real Muslim," Detroit native Keith Ellison said to loud applause.

Many in the crowd replied "Allahu akbar" -- God is great.

...But Ellison, speaking at the annual convention of the Muslim American Society and the Islamic Circle of North America, said that Muslims can help teach America about justice and equal protection.

"Muslims, you're up to bat right now," he said. "How do you know that you were not brought right here to this place to learn how to make this world better?"

Hang in there, Dearborn. Help is on the way.

UPDATE: The Gateway Pundit is pleased to report the groom had his nose sewn back on. Unfortunately, everyone else is still missing digits and appendages.

Aren't these just the loveliest people?

Posted by tree hugging sister at January 3, 2007 10:28 AM


Haha, the Somailban got beaten by the Ethopian Army, not very Al-Quaidariffic of them.

Posted by: DirtCrashr at January 3, 2007 02:40 PM