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October 16, 2006

Can I Hear That Chorus From Kumbaya

...one more time?

A VIDEO last week showed the Taliban’s military commander Mullah Dadullah beheading eight men accused of spying for British and US forces in Aghanistan.

...MOHAMMED Dadullah Akhund is the perfect image of a Mad Mullah terror leader. Black beard, black turban, and one leg missing.

When he is not being filmed cutting the heads off victims he is seen embracing suicide bombers before sending them to their deaths.

One person's religious fundamentalist is another person's terrorist. Stop the ugly stereotypes and embrace our differences. We need to reach out more and identify the root causes.

Understand the anger and disenfranchisement that drives regular, friendly chaps to bad hair, goats and anti-social behaviour.

(Pffft. "Mullah Dadullah" ~ sh*t. Who names these guys?)

Posted by tree hugging sister at October 16, 2006 09:14 AM


Look on the bright side THS, at least he wasn't named Major Dadullah. That might have led to some kind of tragedy.

Posted by: Dave E. at October 16, 2006 03:17 PM



GOD, Dave!!

Posted by: tree hugging sister at October 16, 2006 04:00 PM