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October 18, 2006


Aishah Azmi, the Muslim teaching assistant suspended for her sack cloth, says everything's brilliant, so what's the problem?

...Ms Azmi told the BBC her veil had not caused problems with the children, with whom she had a "brilliant relationship".

..."If people think it is a problem, what about blind children? They can't see anything but they have a brilliant education, so I don't think my wearing the veil affects the children at all."

Jeez, when I watched her BBC interview, "brilliant" wasn't the first word that sprang to mind.

What I think IS important and amazing ~ considering all the PC suck-up the British authorities/elected lot have been doing ~ is the torrent of emotion and free speech this seems to have unleashed. I mean, WOW. You wouldn't have heard THIS a week ago. (Everyone was still beating up Jack Straw.)

Veils harm equal rights - Harman
Wearing a full face veil harms women's participation in society and effectively bars them from becoming an MP, minister Harriet Harman has said.
Ms Harman, who is standing for Labour's deputy leadership, said: "How can you stand as an MP when men's faces are on posters, and voters can't see yours?"

"If you want equality, you have to be in society, not hidden away from it," she told the New Stateman magazine.

"The veil is an obstacle to women's participation on equal terms."

The constitutional affiars minister was speaking the week after Jack Straw sparked controversy when he said he would prefer Muslim women not to wear veils which cover the face.

Race equality boss Trevor Phillips said the comments were "completely right".

Mr Phillips, who heads the Commission for Racial Equality, said Mr Straw had the right to ask a woman to remove her veil at constituency meetings, and the woman had the right to refuse.

..."This is not a matter of public policy, it's a question of social etiquette and manners," Mr Phillips said.

It's wonderful. But it's all too easy to pick on a symbol like the veil ~ on a woman who might believe in her freedom wholeheartedly but is forced by Londonistan family members to wear it. Those belligerent, misogynists are the ones who need to be hammered, not the feminine symbol of their vile, ignorant and oppressive culture.

It's easy to pick on girls, isn't it? And they're the aces at it. But if society at large can pressure (or legislate, in some instances) these cave dwellers to allow their women to move freely, perhaps the revolution will come from within.

Posted by tree hugging sister at October 18, 2006 10:23 AM