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September 20, 2006

A Couple Late Night Gems

...at Radioblogger. And no, this isn't the Pope speaking...

"For 12 years I wandered in the wilderness, went through a divorce and struggled with questions about my direction.

Then suddenly and movingly, I had a revelation about the connection between the work I was doing as a public servant and my formative teachings. Indeed, the scriptures provided a firmer guide about values applied to life
," he said.

(Hint: It's another pius guy who wandered the wilderness nattily attired in Orvis tweed breeks and a magic hat, no doubt.) Then Duane asks THE REALLY intriguing question...
Would Jack Bauer want the President's proposed interrogation techniques legislation passed?


That's a toughie.

Posted by tree hugging sister at September 20, 2006 12:26 AM