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June 19, 2006

The Duke Rape Case

...in some deep, DEEP doo-doo. MSNBC's Dan Abrams has gotten his hands on the prosecution documents and they don't add up. VIDEO here. One of his most interesting points? NOT the inconsistencies of the accuser's story, medical reports, etc. but...

"...When you look at of the dates on some of the documents that were subpoenaed by the prosecution, you have the DA making statements about them before he even had access to them. Making statements about this case well before, it would seem, he'd even seen alot of the evidence."

Add today's news to the headline story in Newsweek:
The prosecutor insists his rape case is strong. One big problem: the facts thus far.

...with it's litany of prosecutorial arrogance...
...The media coverage of the case has been enormous. NEWSWEEK put the mug shots of two of the players—Reade Seligmann, 20, and Collin Finnerty, 19—on its cover the week after they were indicted. Some early accounts raised doubts about the guilt of the players, but the story more typically played as a morality tale of pampered jocks gone wild. Lately, as more evidence from police or medical reports have been filed or cited in court documents by defense lawyers, the national and local media have been raising questions about Nifong's conduct of the case and his motivations.

Asked for an interview last week by NEWSWEEK, Nifong declined, but sent an angry e-mail accusing the national media of getting spun by defense lawyers and sticking to his earlier comments to the press. "None of the 'facts' I know at this time, indeed, none of the evidence I have seen from any source, has changed the opinion that I expressed initially," he wrote. He lashed out at "media speculation" (adding, "and it is even worse on the blogs"). He said that he was bound by ethics rules against commenting any more about the case or evidence.

...Nifong called the lacrosse players "hooligans" who were stonewalling. In fact, when police asked the three co-captains who rented the house to come down to the station for questioning two days after the incident, all of them readily agreed. None tried to get a lawyer and all volunteered to take lie-detector tests (the police declined their offer).

...Later, Roberts changed her story and said that a rape might possibly have taken place. But that was after Nifong had helped her get favorable bail treatment for violating probation (she had pleaded guilty to embezzlement charges in another case). Roberts later contacted rap star Lil' Kim's publicist "for any advice as to how to spin this to my advantage."

Read the whole thing. It will curdle your blood. He got re-elected on the ruin of those three lives.

Posted by tree hugging sister at June 19, 2006 03:22 PM

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