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February 15, 2006

Truer Words

...were never spoken. Ed Koch quotes Bill Bennett, while adding insight of his own.

At that point, Blitzer interjected, saying to Bennett, “You can understand, Bill, that feeling among many Muslims, that this is beyond the pale when you insult the Prophet Muhammad.” Bennett, as penetrating and brilliant as Krauthammer, responded, “Sure. And if I were a Jew watching what CNN just led in with [anti-Semitic cartoons used in Muslim countries], I might be a little upset, too. But CNN doesn’t have the solicitude for Jews it has for Muslims. Your policy is not to show these cartoons that were shown in Denmark, but to show one after another of the most anti-Semitic cartoons they could come forward with. CNN -- I don’t mean to pick on CNN, just because I work for you. But NBC, The New York Times, other media -- the Virgin Mary in cow dung, that was fine. We can show that everywhere. Now, the Islamists have won, in that they have intimidated the major news media from showing these cartoons. They have lost, however, in the wider world, because people see that this is just totally nutty behavior, that these cartoons are shown and people, as a result, want to kill people, behead people, burn buildings down. And, whatever the argument with the Danes, what is the point of burning the Jewish flag? What is the point of burning the U.S. flag and saying death to Israel and death to the United States? People get a good, close look at this and say, you know, these people are unhinged.

Posted by tree hugging sister at February 15, 2006 09:07 AM


And the showing and reshowing of all the Abu Ghraib photos again, goodness knows that doesn't offend the muslims.

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at February 15, 2006 09:15 AM

I've been searching for a link from last week and haven't been able to find it (and now I don't even remember exactly what I wanted to say about it) but I was struck by the appalling hypocrisy of this particular story. It talked about the Danish cartoons and compared the controversy over publishing them to the controversy over the elephant dung portrait of Mary.

The story was illustrated with the elephant dung picture, but not with a single one of the cartoons. Utterly amazing.

Posted by: Ken Summers at February 15, 2006 09:49 AM

Prolly cause few of us church folks would kill an imam, burn an embassy, or kidnap/behead one of their reporters; while the same cannot be said of the followers of the religion of peace.

Posted by: Crusader at February 15, 2006 10:21 AM