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February 14, 2006

The Blogfaddah's

...little quiz reminded me of something I meant to share with ya'll.

Seems they're looking for a little encouragement for a Season Two.

UPDATE: As for my score?

Your Ultimate Sci-Fi Profile II: which sci-fi crew would you best fit in? (pics)
created with QuizFarm.com

Babylon Five and how weird is that. Why, you ask? Because the debonair guy in the left hand corner looked like this...

...when we were Catholic high school seniors together ~ all he wanted to be was a "bah tendah". He's done quite a bit since.

Posted by tree hugging sister at February 14, 2006 12:35 PM


Whoa. That IS pretty cool!

I scored a 75% match with Farscape. Since I've never seen Farscape for myself, it could well be true. B-5 was in a four-way jumble for second at 69%. Bebop and DS9 checked in sixth at 63% each. I'd always sort of pictured myself in one of those two so I guess a little more self-knowledge is in order.

Posted by: Nightfly at February 14, 2006 01:20 PM

Farscape, if you count the first seasons, is wonderful company to be in, Diptera. That show rocked and we never missed it. THEN it went off the deep-end of space...

Posted by: tree hugging sister at February 14, 2006 01:28 PM

It says he grew up in Brooklyn. Wasn't that a long commute to Sparta for high school?

Posted by: Crusader at February 14, 2006 02:18 PM

I came up as Deep Space Nine (Star Trek). Never saw the series, so it is meaningless to me.

Posted by: Crusader at February 14, 2006 02:30 PM

He lived down in Hopatcong or thereabouts, and did his senior year at the old Pope. We were all bowled over by the Noo Yawk accent ~ very exotic for our neck of the woods ~ PLUS he was cute as a button, with a POW! personality. The 'bah-tendah' came from a Chemistry class with Sr. Tarcilia ("The Torch" for short). Torch was berating him with all the disdain in her tiny Felician body about his lack of scientific accumen, when Jerry said "Awwwww, Sistah, whudduz it maddah? I'm just gonna be a bah-tendah when I grow up!"

Nothing got done for the rest of the class.

Posted by: tree hugging sister at February 14, 2006 02:33 PM

I figger'd it was something like that.

Posted by: Crusader at February 14, 2006 02:57 PM

I'm "Star Gate 1", which is interesting, as I seldom watch the show (although it's not bad, I'm just not a TV fan these days). But I tied with 4 other shows: Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix), Deep Space Nine (Star Trek), and Serenity (Firefly).

Equally odd, I scored at 81% for "Babylon 5", which I enjoy so much that I invested in a full DVD collection. Go figure.

Cool that you knew Jerry Doyle, THS!

Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at February 14, 2006 07:08 PM

He's great fun, even tho we didn't run in the same circles. And it was hard not to know everybody, when the whole senior class only had a whoppin' 99 kids in it.

Posted by: tree hugging sister at February 15, 2006 09:57 AM