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February 06, 2006

So I'm At The Airport Friday Night...

I've travelled a reasonable amount, and I've seen some funny things at airports, both funny people and funny things that they bring on the flights with them. I remember being at the airport in Port Au Prince, Haiti in the late 70s and being amazed at all the folks standing in line to board the flights with live chickens in cages as their carry-on luggage. When you fly out of San Salvador back to the States you will often see many people carrying buckets of fried chicken with them, as it's a certain type that you just can't get Stateside, that special taste of home.

But I have to admit that on Friday night, as I was at Newark checking in for my flight down here, I saw something I'd never seen before. In line in front of me at the Continental counter was a family going on the flight to Puerto Rico (I think), and on their luggage cart were 4 new tires. And not little car tires, but decent sized pickup truck tires. Brand spankin' shiny black new, still with those little fuzzy-nubbly thingies sticking up all over them, resisting every attempt to be wrapped in plastic tape or to let any type of name tag besmirch their vulcanized glory.


Posted by Mr. Bingley at February 6, 2006 11:48 AM