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January 15, 2006

The Advantages of Self Delusion

Several Democrats expressed frustration over what they saw as the Republicans outmaneuvering them by drawing attention to an episode Wednesday when Judge Alito's wife, Martha-Ann, began crying as her husband was being questioned. That evening, senior Democratic senate aides convened at the Dirksen Senate Office Building, stunned at the realization that the pictures of a weeping Mrs. Alito were being broadcast across the nation - as opposed to, for example, images of Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, pressing Judge Alito about his membership in an alumni club that resisted affirmative action efforts.

"Had she not cried, we would have won that day," said one Senate strategist involved in the hearings, who did not want to be quoted by name discussing the Democrats' problems. "It got front-page attention. It was on every local news show."

Gosh, guys! No, no and NO, duh. For all those 50 pound brains in the Democratic Party, they don't have a frickin' clue that they should be sending the distressed Mrs. Alito a dozen ROSES for her tears, instead of bitching. Watching her diverted people's attention from Teddy Kennedy's rocket propelled descent into real life charicature of the "Watch it LIVE!" Tammy Faye Baker variety. And we're STILL hammering the boys' club thing? After their own witness for the prosecution was discredited? Sheesh. I couldn't pay for someone to come up with this stuff. Why haven't more of these erudite cosmopolitans listened to one common sense young fellow in their own party?
"George Bush won the election," said Representative Rahm Emanuel, an Illinois Democrat. "If you don't like it, you better win elections."

Not the way they're going, they won't.

Posted by tree hugging sister at January 15, 2006 02:44 PM


"Had she not cried, we would have won that day," said one Senate strategist involved in the hearings, who did not want to be quoted by name discussing the Democrats' problems. "It got front-page attention. It was on every local news show."

Personally, I think that the MSM leaped upon this as an excuse to drag the cameras away from the Dimocraps on the committee. That's because even the MSM knew those guys were making jokes of themselves. Those "senior aides" ought to be sending the MSM flowers and candy, not whining about the lack of coverage.

Wankers, all.

Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at January 16, 2006 02:21 AM