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January 30, 2006

A Hard Time

...for Hardball?! You have got to be kidding me.

The campaign against Chris Matthews has escalated into talk of a boycott, though the would-be boycotters prefer to call it an "appeal to advertisers." Matthews is accused of being soft on Republicans in general, and in particular, of comparing Michael Moore to Osama bin Laden. On Jan. 19, Matthews said on "Hardball" that in his new audio message, bin Laden "sounds like an over-the-top Michael Moore." Matthews was citing bin Laden's mention of "the flow of hundreds of billions of dollars to the influential people and war merchants in America." The next night, Matthews suggested that bin Laden was picking up the lingo of the American anti-war left, and asked, "Why would he start to talk like Moore?" Bloggers turned quickly against Matthews, a Democrat, calling him "a broadcasting neo-con," "stupid Bush lover" and "man whore for the GOP."

What a schizophrenic bunch those liberal bloggers are! Dang! I just thought they were unhinged in the pissy school yard mode ~ the "I know you are but what am I" come-back when you've got absolutely nothing else. But to turn on your own? Chris Matthews is a GOP "man-whore"? How icky and desperate is that? Good grief. It'll be even more pathetic if Chris Matthews feels he has to soothe ruffled feathers by making 'I'm an insensitive pig' apologies.

Posted by tree hugging sister at January 30, 2006 11:02 PM


"Man-whore", huh. Well, it's a living, I guess.

But man is it illustrative of how the Left tolerates dissent amongst the ranks, eh?

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at January 31, 2006 06:08 AM

He speaks the truth just once and they rip him apart. Yup, we want them in power. /sarcasm

Posted by: Cindermutha at January 31, 2006 07:37 AM

Ideological fanatics always attack those nearest their ideology because they're the bigger threat.

The Stalinists attacked the Trotskyists. The Nazis attacked the communists, even though they were almost identical -- they're both totalitarian socialists.

The democrats at one time were brutalist to the moderate republicans. Remember Packwood? He had a reputation for being very strong on women's issues. Who helped get him outsted? Women's groups.

It's precisely because of their similarities in position that he was a threat. Packwood, if allowed to stay, would have threatened the purity of the party, allowing some women's rights supporters to be republicans.

Protestants and Catholics were at war for so many centuries, even though their religions are nearly identical to any outsider, precisely because they are almost identical. The early church drove out the Aryans and the gnostics because to admit that these minor variances on the religion were legitimate would rob them of their own power.

This is why liberal fanatics attack Chris Matthews. If a high profile liberal were to be somewhat reasonable some of the time, this would be a threat to the liberal catechism. Some of the people in the liberal camp might be swayed and rob them of their power. Thus, he must be destroyed.

This is the pathetic state that the democratic party has been reduced to.

Posted by: Mike Rentner at January 31, 2006 09:36 AM

There is no one as dangerous as a reformer/compromiser.

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at January 31, 2006 11:01 AM

It's the dimwitted school-yard riposte gone Lord-of-the-Flies, when all else fails they form a circular firing-squad.

Posted by: -keith in mtn. view at January 31, 2006 11:52 AM

The early church drove out the Aryans and the gnostics because to admit that these minor variances on the religion were legitimate would rob them of their own power.

Well, those of us on the inside also think that it had something to do with Aryanism being false and Christianity true. =) In other words, the variance was neither minor nor legitimate. And that early in the game, disunity on big things would have devolved the Church into small isolated sects, and the given mission of the Church - "Go and make disciples of all men" - would have failed. Nobody could have agreed who, exactly, we were being disciples of.

Aryanism was at one point the majority view, and there was a lot of debate in early councils about it. If it was simply a matter of consolidating power ("Just pick one, already") we would all be closet Unitarians (the closest Aryan equivalent today, IIRC), just as today, it would simply be easier to approve of society instead of calling it to reform. Those sects that have gone this route are emptying at alarming speeds.

I think the Matthews case is more of a case of feeling betrayed - "He said what??!?? @%&@^*~! We'll fix his wagon!" I don't think the Left fears that people will consider Matthews' words positively. That would involve having some awareness that they were, in fact, wrong to begin with, which is not a hallmark of the species.

In all this there's an irony - the party of "I'd rather be right than president" is now so chained to regaining Congress and the White House that "right" is no longer important. It's the same lesson as the churches today need to see: serve truth first, and influence comes naturally, because the truth is influential. Serve truth first, and you will naturally seek reasons for your belief, and learn to explain it with skill - and debate is influential. Serve truth first, and you can admit more easily when you're wrong and change your mind - and that's good for everybody.

On the other hand, whenever any movement goes off the rails, it stops talking about reasons and starts talking about feelings, which demand legitimacy as is. "How dare you question my _______?" is the rallying cry. But this offers no answer and serves no truth. It serves self.

Sorry about the mini-essay, guys. As the saying goes, I didn't have time to write a shorter one.

Posted by: Nightfly at January 31, 2006 01:33 PM