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July 14, 2005

Having Never Actually Read The Label...

...on a Coke bottle and, assuming from personal experience that one else really has, it follows that this is another huge change-my-diapers-and-save-me-from-myself waste of time.

Soft drinks 'should carry health warnings'

A US consumer group has called for cigarette-style health warnings on soft drinks, to alert people to the harmful effects of too many sugary beverages...

...In a petition to the US Food and Drug Administration, the CSPI said people--especially young people--needed warning about the risks of obesity, diabetes and tooth decay associated with excessive consumption of sugary drinks.

Suggested warnings included: "To help protect your waistline and your teeth, consider switching to diet sodas or water."

Posted by tree hugging sister at July 14, 2005 09:18 AM